7 Things You Should Do to Prepare Your Roof for the Summer Heat

Summer is approaching fast. In Greenville, SC, that means high 70-degree and low 80-degree days are on the horizon. However, fun in the sun isn’t for everyone… or everything. Many don’t know this, but summer and the weather that comes with it can pose major threats to your roof’s health.

Summer wind and rain storms, heat degradation, UV damage, and thermal shock as temperatures fluctuate and expand/contract your roofing materials are just some of the ways summer puts your roof at risk.

Considering your roof is one of the most important elements of your home, it’s essential to keep it maintained in order to protect the rest of your property and, most importantly, yourself and your family. Follow these roof maintenance tips to ensure your roof is ready for the summer as well as to prevent any avoidable issues or unnecessary roof repair in the future.

Tip #1: Beware of Tree Limbs

Trees are a beautiful natural aspect of any property. Not only do they provide shade and greenery, but they also attract an abundance of wildlife. However, against Mother Nature’s high winds and heavy rain, trees can become very dangerous to your home and the beloved people inside it.

Summer storms and knocked-down trees are serious issues for homeowners. Trees can also rub up against your roof during a windstorm and scratch away at the shingles, destroying the outer protective layer of your roof.

For these reasons, consider trimming the trees around your home before the summer starts to prevent roof damage during a storm. Also, do your best to keep any low-hanging tree limbs away from your roof since leaves and twigs can clog your gutters, and clogged gutters can damage your roofing system, which we’ll get to later.

For safety reasons, roofers recommend you keep trees at least eight to ten feet away from your roof, if possible.

Tip #2: Keep an Eye Out for Moss, Algae, Mold, and Mildew

Summer rain and humidity create the perfect conditions for moss, mold, algae, and mildew growth. These can all be disastrous for your roof and, if not caught and arrested in time, for your entire home.


Heavy moss can cause water blockage and buildup. When it rains, moss will soak up and retain the water, creating persistently wet conditions on your roof. If moss sits untouched for too long, it can crack and curl your shingles, too.

Moss growth will also obstruct the proper drainage of water off your roof as water will need to move through or around the moss in order to reach the gutters, rather than traveling in a straight line.

Be sure to inspect your roof regularly to catch any moss growth before it gets too severe and requires an entire roof replacement.


Water buildup can also lead to algae growth on your roof and gutters, especially in the warmer months. In fact, algae is typically only found on roofs in climates with warm, humid summers.

Roof algae normally have a black- or blue-green hue, so that’s what you should look out for when inspecting your roof. (FYI, roof algae is very unpleasant to look at, so you probably won’t miss it.)

If undetected, algae can eat away (albeit slowly) at your roof or gutters to the point where you need to repair or replace one or both structures.


Unlike the slow roof decay caused by algae, mold damage doesn’t wait. If you discover a heavily molded area or an abundance of water buildup on your roof that’s causing a tear in the ceiling, you should consult roofers for a roof repair ASAP.


Keep an eye out for any discoloration on your roof. This may manifest as big black spots, white spots, or tarnished wood caused by the absorption of excess moisture.

If you smell mustiness or dampness in any area of your home, check the area for mildew. Summer moisture can especially increase the occurrence of mildew.

Tip #3: Keep It Clean from Debris

It’s important to remove any debris from your roof that may have gathered during the warmer months of the year. You can take a leaf blower to your roof or gutters to rid it of debris like leaves, twiges, pine straw or any other scattered waste. Always avoid power washing your roof as it can cause serious structural damage, much like that of a heavy rainstorm.

Keeping a clean roof in the summertime not only looks and feels great, but it also helps your roof better reflect sun rays and prevent your home from overheating on hot days. That way, you won’t need to constantly run the AC in your home. Eco-friendly and energy-efficient!

Debris like rotting leaves, broken branches, and loose twigs may also cause tears in your roof that can lead to leakage. If you notice any holes or pokes in your roof, be sure to call our expert roofers to safely inspect the area and perform any roof or gutter repair necessary.

Tip #4: Look Out for Loose Gutters

In the summer, you want to make sure your gutters and drains stay clean to avoid clogging. Clogs can cause water buildup, decay, and a number of other avoidable damages to your gutters.

Harsh summer weather can actually make your gutters loose or insecure and even create cracks around your roof. The buildup of excess debris can also cause gutter installation to bend, sag, and even break if they aren’t inspected and thoroughly cleaned for a long period of time. If you notice your gutters are loose, sagging, or starting to pull away from your roof, it’s time for a cleaning. Do it before you need gutter repair!

It’s also clean up time if you notice your gutters contain:

  • Leaves
  • Twigs
  • Dirt
  • Bird nests
  • Insects
  • Critters like mice and squirrels

By staying on top of your gutter maintenance, you can protect your homes and your hard-earned money.

Tip #5: Check Attic Ventilation

Heated air naturally rises. For that reason, roofers know that proper attic insulation is a vital aspect of keeping heat and moisture from destroying your home during the summer. Since your roof absorbs the sun’s heat throughout the day, in the peak summer season, your attic can reach scorching temperatures. In a poorly ventilated attic, heat buildup can cause a number of issues or damages to your roof.

Poorly ventilated attics can result in dry rot and mold growth. Have a roofer check the ventilation of your attic to avoid expensive roof repair or replacement in the future.

Tip #6: Make It Leak-Proof

To put it simply, the last thing you want is a leak in your roof. The best way to ensure your roof is ready for summer rain storms is to have a roof company take a professional look at it. They can assess your roof for any potential problems that could cause it to leak or experience other repair-worthy or replacement-worthy problems.

Tip #7: Check Out Your Shingles

Damaged shingles are problems in and of themselves. They can also lead to roof leaks and further problems with your roof’s overall structure and integrity if left alone too long. So, before the summer storms arrive, have a roofer inspect or replace any missing or loose shingles on your roof. This is a preventative measure every homeowner should take!

Summer moisture can also make its way underneath or inside of your shingles. Look out for any bubbling or blistering of your shingles once the warmer months are here.

What to Do If You Discover Damage

If you discover a water spot on your ceiling or hear branches crash into your roof during a summer storm, your first instinct might be to panic. But, if you’re quick to act, you can get roof repair fast and prevent the problems from compounding or worsening.

It’s crucial to take action as soon as roof damage occurs or is spotted. The sooner you handle it, the sooner it can be resolved. First, identify the source of the damage. Once you figure this out, take photos and jot down notes either on your phone or on a piece of paper. Taking photos can show any progression in the damage and can also help the contractor better understand how to fix the problem. Next, contact your home insurance provider.

Depending on your insurance plan, you may be entitled to reimbursement for roof repairs. Always take notes on what repairs need to be made so you can get proper coverage.

Finally, you’ll want to call for professional help within 24-48 hours of discovering damage on your roof. Be sure to keep receipts of any damage repairs and make a note of any other damages in your home, like those to furniture, appliances, or valuables, as a result of your roof damage. The more prepared and organized you are for roof repair, the better.

Don’t Put Off Your Roof Inspection

The home maintenance cycle never stops. Unfortunately, people don’t often think about maintaining their roofs until a serious problem occurs. This is why so many homeowners spend money on unnecessary roof repairs.

To avoid serious complications like the ones listed above, we recommend you schedule a roof inspection at least once a year. Spring is a good time for you to get your roof inspected. It’s always best to schedule roof repairs when the weather is good and before the summer (or winter) starts.

Qualified Roofers Near Me

Beemer Kangaroof® has been family-owned and -operated since 1977. We serve Greenville, SC, and the surrounding areas with great pride.

To speak to a highly experienced Beemer Kangaroof® team member about roof repair, roof inspection, or an estimate on roof replacement, give us a call or schedule a free consultation through our website.